
the advantages and disadvantages of ecommerce

here are some advantages of e commerce you can buy or sell products or items in ecommerce 7 days a week (basically any time). it is available to anyone with internet. it gives users more options than stores.  it provides faster delivery. people can  have a wider choice of of items and can compare and select better and cheaper objects under their budget. here are some disadvantages of ecommerce  many people do not trust online stores, they prefer to go and touch and feel the object. they prefer to avoid risks and do not trust the security. areas with none or poor internet quality cannot make use of ecommerce

more about ecommerce

 there are 4 main categories of  ecommerce. they are : customer to customer (C2C) : here customers sell items, products or services to other customers , transfers of money are performed by a 3rd party such as amazon etcetera. customer to business (C2B) :  here customers sell items, goods or services to companies for ex : you send a project to a bunch of companies and they want it so they say they will gibe you money so you review the companies and take the amount of money suitable. business to business (B2B) :  here both buyer and seller are two different organisations other than a customer and seller so basically a business sells raw materials to a business who completes the product and sells it to the customer.  business to customer (B2C) :   here items,  products or services are sold by an organisation to a customer .this the most common type of ecommerce when you buy something from online . you have been involved in a B2C ecommerce


 Ecommerce is also known as electronic commerce. It is used for buying and selling items and services on the internet also using the transfer of money. there are : sellers : they sell goods or services to buyers, there are 2 types of sellers. retailers : they sell directly to buyers (customers). wholesalers : they sell to retailers. buyers : they buy goods or services from sellers. producers : they are basically the creators, they can sell it directly to the buyers or sell it to the wholesalers who sell it to the retailers to the buyers.